Meal-Dâna offering at San Jose Homeless Shelter (Sunday September 23rd’2018)
- Rice
- Bread Rolls
- Lentil Curry
- Tempered Green Beans
- Salad
- Chicken Curry
- Ice-cream
- Banana
- Milk
- Orange Juice
Dharmapala Institute
409 S Temple Drive
Milpitas CA 95035
(408) 934-3985
Meal-Dâna to San Jose Homeless Shelter (Community Assistance Event) – 2017

Dear Dhamma Friends,
The Dharmapala Institute is organizing a ‘Meal-Dâna’ for the San Jose Homeless Shelter in memory of Hon. Anagarika Dharmapala (17 September 1864 – 29 April 1933) who was a leading figure of Buddhism in the twentieth century. He was a pioneer in the revival of Buddhism in India after it had been virtually extinct for several centuries, and was a major reformer and revivalist of Buddhism. To commemorate and honor his great achievements, DI will provide dinner at the San Jose homeless shelter for ~260 persons. We warmly invite our Dhamma Friends to participate in this meritorious activity.
Date: Sunday September 17th 2017
Time: 4.30 p.m.
Venue: 2011 Little Orchard Dr., San Jose, 95125
We would like to invite you to sign up with the Google document (see URL above) to provide food items and volunteer. Please note that the Shelter policy does not allow children less than 14 years of age to participate.
Please deliver the food promptly by 4pm at the Shelter.
With Metta,
The Organizing Committee
Dharmapala Institute
409 S Temple Drive
Milpitas CA 95035
(408) 934-3985
[email protected]