Author: administrator

Dhamma Sunday – Uposatha Observance on Sunday February 10th

Dear Dhamma Friends,We warmly invite you to participate at the next Uposatha Observance of the year 2019 at the Dharmapala Institute on Sunday 10th of February 2019. Venerable Kirinde Chandananda thero, Venerable Kannadeniye Santa thero and Venerable...

Sunday Dhamma Talk – January 27th @ 5.00 PM

Sunday Dhamma Talk – January 27th @ 5.00 PM

Dear Dhamma Friends,Dharmapala Institute welcomes you to join the Sunday-afternoon Dhamma Talk on Sunday, 27th of January 2019, at 5.00 PM. Venerable Weragoda Sujatha Thero will conduct the program.  Title:    Vedabba Jathaka ( Venue:   Dharmapala Institute  Time:   from 5.00...

Dhamma Sunday – Uposatha Observance 13th January 2019

Dhamma Sunday – Uposatha Observance 13th January 2019

Dear Dhamma Friends,We warmly invite you to participate at the 1stUposatha Observance of the year 2019 at the Dharmapala Institute on Sunday 13th of January 2019. Venerable Kirinde Chandananda thero, Venerable Kannadeniye Santa thero and Venerable Weragoda...

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Dear Dhamma Friends,We wish you happiness and prosperity for the New Year 2019. May you find strength in your practice of Dhamma and many moments of mindfulness in your lives.Please find the scheduled events...